We are a happy family of 6. Spending time with each other is what we do best. We love our friends and family too.
We miss you all when we are away but the best of all is when we get to come and stay.
President Monson gave a great talk on Sunday morning session of General Conference. It is called "Be of Good Cheer." It really was what I needed to read at this time. Very uplifting. Take the tie to read it. Ensign. May 2009. conference issues.
We are doing great this week getting ready for Oma to come and visit on Wednesday and then off to graduation for Uncle Matt on Sunday May 17th. Way to go Uncle Matt.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Just a little note to through out there. Josh lost his job. Check out our other blog to find out more information.
We are a very Happy little family that love to spend time out in nature. If it is just sitting in our yard or camping. Josh loves to hunt and fish while I love just relaxing and enjoying the peaceful feeling.