Happy Holidays to all Our Dear Family and Friends!
We hope that this finds you in good health. We have been very blessed this year.
As a family we had the opportunity to go to Bull Shoals, Arkansas in July with some of Natasha’s family .We had a blast camping for the week. We also had the opportunity to go to Nashville, Tennessee for a short trip for the blessing of our new baby nephew/cousin Kaden Stratton.
Josh got a contract job working for a safety company IMMI in their C.A.P.E. facility in Westfeild, Indiana. He really enjoys the company. He got to see the company crash a fire truck in October just after he was hired on. He has had the opportunity to go hunting quite a bit this year. He arrowed a good sized doe in November.
Natasha has enjoyed her time at home with the kids. She really loves taking pictures of the kids and all the fun stuff that they do.
Kaelobbe is 8 and can’t wait until his birthday New Year’s Day. He has made the honor roll and sets an example to his classmates in third grade. He really loves learning not only reading, math, science, and history; but also the gospel of Jesus Christ. Kaelobbe made the choice to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost on January 2nd here in Indianapolis. It was a very special day for him and all of the family and friends that made it here. This summer he was able to take hunters education and now wants to go hunting every chance he can with is dad.
Brieanna turned 7 in October and can’t wait until she turns 8 next year and is able to be baptized. She has made the honor roll also and is reading end of second grade books. She loves being in school and spending time with her new friends that she has made in 1st grade. Brie is still our girly girl; but she now wants to take hunters education in the summer so that she can go hunting with her daddy. She loves going fishing and just spending time with daddy.
Jonathan turned 4 in November. He has had a blast this year getting to spend Jonathan time at Grandma and Grandpa Stratton’s house. They took him to see Chicago and on a ferry ride. He got to spend almost a week at Grandpa’s apartment in Milan, Illinois. He also got Aunt Del time to. Uncle Josh and Aunt Marissa spoiled him as well. During the time spent at Grandma and Grandpa’s he potty trained. Yeah we have a very big boy now.
Cristian just turned 2 this month. He loves to spend time with his brothers and sister. Cristian has had a very trying year with his health. He seems to have caught everything under the sun. So after all the tests and doctor after doctor he was diagnosed with Eosinophilia Esophagitis (EE) and that he does have food allergies that in the new year we will work through. But he does not let anything get him down. With all this going on he decided that he wanted to be as big as his brother. He is now potty training.
Maycee is a 3 year old Siberian husky. She joined our family 2 Saturdays before Thanksgiving. Uncle Josh and Aunt Marissa got her from the Quincy human society. She really loves the kids and is getting use to the whole swing of things here. We have all fallen in love with her. She is such a sweet heart.
We have really been blessed this year with trials as well as blessings. We are grateful for all the learning experiences that we have had to grow from through it all.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We love you all and miss you, too.
The Bokish 6
Joshua, Natasha, Kaelobbe, Brieanna, Jonathan, Cristian, and Maycee