For all those that don't know durian fruit is a product of Thailand. Josh wanted to try it so I said he had to talk to his brother Laef and find out what it is like before he could get it. As you can see he did chat with his brother on Facebook about it. So we said that we would try thing at least once. Josh gave the Kaelobbe and Brieanna the first taste. Kaelobbe said that it was good and then changed his mind and ran for the trash to spit it out. Brieanna did not let it set in her mouth very long and she was gagging and spit it out. Well then it was Jonathan's turn Josh placed it in his mouth and he spit it out right there and said "that is really yucky daddy." Josh and I chewed and sallowed the very soft but mushy fruit that leaves the worst after taste in your mouth every. And we had to totally agree with the kids that was just gross. Just to give you a idea on what it tastes like if any of you have been around a freshly killed deer that has been field dressed and hanging in a closed in a garage. I think that should paint the picture of the taste.

This is the outer shell.

This is what the inside looks like. There are 5 sections of 2 fruit in each pod and each section of fruit is around a seed.

Brieanna's face after eating the durian fruit.

Kaelobbe showing me what he thought of the durian fruit.
In conclusion we will never eat it ever again.
Wusses!!!! I told Josh that Durian is an acquired taste and not to be surprised if it tastes nasty at first. It DOES get better tasting though. But I'm glad you all at least tried it and now I am not the only Bokish who has eaten the awful smelling, but great tasting fruit known as the Durian.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh...I'm an avid fan of Anthony Bourdain and he talks about how great this fruit is, but it's banned in hotels and other buildings apparently.
ReplyDeleteSo Joey and I are at the asian market one day and we see these wafer cookies that are durian flavored, so we just had to try them. When we got home, we each took one bite and it was the most disgusting thing either of us have ever eaten. I can't even describe the taste, but you obviously know it. :) We had to put the pack of cookies out on our porch and the smell still came in through the windows so I had to go take them out to dumpster down the street. Still had the taste in our mouths for days afterward!!!